Jun 11, 2007

Open House

Saturday, I'm hosting an open house for a property I've flipped. I'm excited for a couple of rea$on$.
First of all, I'm tired of working on this place every waking moment for the past couple of months. I'm tired of putting in 25 hours a weekend fixing the place up on top of evenings and afternoons I was able to skip out of the office. I want to go golfing, camping, fishing, bobbing for apples.... whatever. Now that I've complained, there is also a tremendous feeling of satisfaction. I've completely remodeled a house. I'm proud of my work. I would buy this place.
**Sidenote: When this townhome was purchased, Tanna hated it. It was ugly, cramped and smelled. I told Tanna that she was the barameter for this project. She needed to love it when we finished. She loves it.
Most importantly, I'm excited to make some money. Afterall, that's why I'm investing. It's not a service project. That being said, I truly believe that this is a win-win situation. I will price the property under market value to ensure a quick sale and the buyer will step into some instant equity.

Wish me luck...

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